Synchronising reader clocks from ClearStream

Andy Harsant

New Member

Apologies if I have missed this somewhere in the facilities, but is there a setting in the ClearStream consol that ensures all readers connected have their clocks synchronised to the PC running ClearStream.

I am not sure if this is part of the LLRP spec or somehow a quite separate function that is manufacturer/reader dependent.

My readers are a mix of Motorola FX7400 and FX7500 devices


Howie Heckman III

Staff member
Unfortunately, ClearStream cannot synchronize the clocks on the RFID readers. This may be something that you can do through the web console on the reader. If you use your browser and enter the IP address of your Motorola FX7400/7500 you can login to a web console that allows you to adjust different reader settings. The default username and password for the FX7400/FX7500 is admin and change.