precision time recording of tag read

Andy Harsant

New Member
I am intending to use ClearStream in a sports environment and am keen to know if there is a configuration for outputting seconds fractions along with the normal date and time data.
Depending on if/how this is possible, I envisage an output that may append the fractional part after the date time (ie: 20151106 12:13:14.567 - as a yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.### format), or split out the fractional part seperately into its own column along with the 'normal' tag seen time record and other columns.

Howie Heckman III

Staff member
Hi Andy,

Currently ClearStream only supports a maximum resolution down to the second. This is however something we are looking to add in the next release of the product. I don't have a time frame on this just yet, but it would most likely give you the ability to customize the date time format any way you would like. We could offer this as a customization if you wanted to go that route.

Thanks Andy, please let us know.

Andy Harsant

New Member
Hi Howie
Thanks for the reply.
To broaden the application scope for ClearStream into the sports timing market, fractions of a second are an intrinsic requirement.
Having the ability to format time infomation to at least 100ths/s would be a very useful addition to the application's toolkit!