Question GPIO


Hello I am new to RFID (kinda) and was wondering if Clearstream can do the following:

I have 2 Alien 9900plus readers on a production line that has indexable pallets. There is a part with a tag on each pallet. Can Clearstream alert to the fact that a tag is missing? Also can a GPIO light up a light stack like you had in one of your demos. ( We use Omron controllers on our lines and do not want to integrate with them). The 2 programmers are to program & validate.

Howie Heckman III

Staff member
Hi Ray,

I'm not sure there is any way to firing an alert in ClearStream without a tag being read into the database. However, this might be an option for a customization. Let me know if you would like to explore that option. Also, by programming the tag, did no you mean you want to write to the tag using ClearStream, or is this going to be done by something else?


Guess what I mean, is there a way for ClearStream to flag a bad tag. We are going to use Vision system to pickup a missed tag.

Howie Heckman III

Staff member
The only way of doing this would be to compare the tag to a database of valid tag values. This way when the tag is read, it will attempt to find it in the database of valid tags, and if it is not found you can fire an event to power up the GPOs.


Can we have an input that tells the reader a pallet has been indexed and to read a tag and if the tag cant be read it flags that?

Howie Heckman III

Staff member
I don't know of too many cases where a tag can't be read, unless it has been killed or is defective. They come from the manufacturer pre-encoded with an ID. So, if you had a list of valid tags and you scan the tag and it is not found this would be the indication the the write had failed.