How to scan the User and TID RFID memory banks in ClearStream

Noora Morrison

New Member
Hi ClearStream Users,

I've just downloaded and installed ClearStream RFID today and I've been having some trouble getting the User and TID memory banks on the tags to be posted to my database.

Here is my setup:

  • Motorola FX9500 reader
  • Monza 4QT RFID tags
  • Using the sample Microsoft Access database table

The database is the sample one provided with the install of ClearStream, and i am using the RFID Tag List table. I have the User and TID memory bank fields mapped in the Field Mappings area, but when the tags are posted to the database table the user and TID fields are blank.

What could I be missing, or is there some issue with the hardware/tags that I am using?


Howie Heckman III

Staff member
Hi Noora,

The one thing it sounds like you could be missing is the 'Read all memory banks during scan' options enabled on the RFID Reader list form. This needs to be enabled when scanning the User and TID memory banks on an EPC Gen 2 tag. To get to the form simply click on the 'Readers' button on the Source tab (the same place you configured your Motorola FX9500 reader in ClearStream). This will open the Reader List dialog. You will see the checkbox option, 'Read all memory banks during scan' near the bottom of this dialog. Make sure this is on and you should have no problem scanning the User and TID memory banks on those tags.

Howie Heckman III

Staff member
One additional note:

You may need to adjust the user and TID memory bank sizes for those Monza 4QT tags. You can do this near the option you just enabled for reading the additional memory banks. Just match it to the specs for those tags.

Let us know if you have any questions on this.